Symbiosis is a project that aggregates dex liquidity across EVM and non-EVM networks. The SIS token was developed as a management token for the Symbiosis ecosystem.
Investors: Binance Labs,, Spartan, Dragonfly Capital, Kenetic and others
Requirements :-
- Add to MetaMask the test network BNB
2. Request test tBNBs
3. Connect the MetaMask wallet on the Testnet site
NOTE :- Use New Wallet Only!!!
- After opening Site Click On Connect Wallet
2. Click Create Lock
3. Click Get Tokens and sign transaction, after some time u will get 100 SIS Testnet Tokens .
4. Enter 100 SIS, choose a lock period and click Confirm Lock
5. Approove the transaction in Metamask
6. Click Create Lock as in image above
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